Otevřené otázky: Velká Británie


CÍL: Umím odpovědět na maturitní otázky týkající se tématu Great Britain.

Abyste tohoto cíle dosáhli a získali maximum bodů, je nutné dodržet následující dva body. Jejich dodržením totiž naplníte přesně to, co od Vás zkoušející u této části ústní zkoušky z angličtiny očekává:

  • každá odpověď na otázku musí být detailní, věcná, logická a vhodně zakončená.
  • odpověď musí obsahovat minimálně 30-50 slov.
  • odpověď by měla obsahovat fakta o tématu Velká Británie.

Maturitní otázky Great Britain

  1. In fact, what really refers to the name “Great Britain” and what is the official name of the United Kingdom (UK)? Tell me about it.
  2. Is the UK a continental or an insular country? Tell me about it.
  3. How is the UK separated from continental Europe? Tell me about it.
  4. Where does the UK lie? Tell me about it.
  5. What is the geography of the UK? Tell me about it.
  6. Which autonomous parts make the UK? Tell me about it.
  7. Which nationalities can be now found in the UK? Tell me about it.
  8. What is the climate like in the UK? Tell me about it.
  9. Which industries would you consider the most significant in the UK? Why? Tell me about it.
  10. Who is the official head of the UK? Tell me about her/him.
  11. Which famous leaders or soldiers are historically well-known talking about the UK? Tell me about them.
  12. Why does the British flag look the way it looks? Tell me about it.
  13. What are the basic differences between England and Scotland? Tell me about it.
  14. Which historical event do you consider the most important in the history of Great Britain? Why? Tell me about it.
  15. What is Stonehenge and where is it situated? Tell me about it.
  16. What does the typical British coast landscape look like? Tell me about it.
  17. Do you know any famous traditions held in the UK? Tell me about it.
  18. What do you think the Britons are proud of? Why? Tell me about it.
  19. Have you ever watched a typical British sitcom? Why? / Why not?
  20. How do people travel in the UK? Tell me about it.


Čtěte také: Maturitní otázky k tématu Londýn

Maturitní otázky zaměřené na názory- téma Velká Británie

  1. Would you like to visit the UK one day? Why? / Why not?
  2. Have you ever watched a typical English sitcom? Why? / Why not? Tell me about it.
  3. Do you think the English language is the same all around Great Britain? Tell me about it.
  4. If you travelled to the UK, which place would you definitely want to visit? Why? Tell me about it.
  5. Do you think it is easy to drive in the UK for somebody from Germany, or Italy? Tell me about it.

Jak si s tímto zadáním o Velké Británii poradíte Vy?

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